
Photoshoot nude art, laser lightpainting, in studio

Small~1h55000 CZK
Mid~2h109000 CZK
Bigger2~3h1512000 CZK

Other options if available in good enough quality

Extra photos /each800 CZK
3D version of a photo (full resolution) / each2000 CZK
3D wiggle gif/video HD ks/each1000 CZK
Extra person20% to shooting
Progressive photo (mp4/gif) /each31000 CZK

It’s possible that your situation may not allow for the prices mentioned above. Don’t worry, sometimes I’m in a good mood, and for many years, I’ve only been taking photos for fun, so there’s a chance, not an obligation, that we can negotiate some discount or reciprocal service considering the circumstances.

  1. including VAT, if you’d like to use other currency, like EUR, CHF or USD, talk to me first, do not expect me to have change, use current rate from, and round up to the nearest bank note, you’d bring
  2. need to discuss this first ↩︎
  3. Needs extra preparation, need to know ahead ↩︎